IB Clinic is a beauty clinic located in Bandung. The very first client of Ultimind Studio, IB Clinic needs a system that is integrated and facilitates all work in their clinic. Ultimind Studio created a digital system that covers all processes of the IB Clinic work, from online booking for their clients, creating beauty packages by doctors, setting up client schedules by the admin, until sales reports and performance of IB Clinic employees. All is integrated.
Gedung Sate Floor Directory (Desktop Apps)
Gedung Sate since 1980 is known as the Governor's Office because it is the center of the activities of the West Java Provincial Government. With its distinctive form of skewer ornaments on its central tower, it has long been a marker or landmark of the city of Bandung which is not only known to the public in West Java, but also throughout Indonesia. Ultimind Studio, in collaboration with the West Java Provincial Government, created a desktop application that displays the location and information of each room interactively and interestingly.
HDCI Bandung Community Apps (Mobile Apps)
Harley Davidson Club Indonesia is one of the most fanatic and prestigious motorcycle clubs in Indonesia. The HDCI branch of Bandung is known as one of the most active branches in the organization. Ultimind Studio makes a mobile apps for HDCI Bandung so that communication between members becomes easier, getting information about the club faster, and a digital place to hang out for the club.
Atelier ARA (Augmented Reality Apps)
Atelier ARA is a design – oriented architectural firm located in Bandung. with all of their founders consists of young and talented people, Atelier ARA need something to showcase their portfolios in unique and modern way. Ultimind Studio make Augmented Reality Apps to solve this problem. With mobile apps that can scan image and showcase their 3D Architectural Visualization, Atelier ARA company profile is indeed engaging and memorable.
Contact us
You can contact us by phone, email, or fill out the form on the contact page.
then you can consult with our IT department about the APPS that you need.
then we can meet to discuss in more detail about your APPS needs with our IT and Creative departments, as well as cost negotiations.
We will send approval documents to be signed by the employer.